Long Time No…Anything


Good afternoon fellow royals!

It’s been a while hasn’t it? This past close to year has been one big whirlwind, and as I’m sure some of you can relate, I haven’t been inspired to blog. Honestly I haven’t felt the need to share the wonderful experiences, food, and people from the last year, and I’ve been way more focused on living in the moment. Yes I still travel, yes I still dress well, of course I still eat a ton, but those things are done to death in the blog world. However, it hit me the other day that there are a few topics that people ask for my thoughts or advice on. Since they’re topics that I haven’t seen a lot of material for online, I thought maybe I can give it a go! So from here on out I’m going to be focusing more on teaching ESL, as well as my day to day lifehacks from Southern Spain. Ojala que os disfruteis! (I hope you all enjoy!).

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